

Bakı Şəhər Halqasının asfalt örtüyü yarışa hazır vəziyyətə gətirilir


Azərbaycanda Formula 1 yarışının keçiriləcəyi Bakı Şəhər Halqasında asfalt örtüyünün yarışa hazır vəziyyətə gətirilməsi üçün aprelin 15-də təmir-bərpa işlərinə başlanacaq.

Asphalt layers are expected to be laid over the cobbled Niyazi street and some of the existing road surfaces to be restored by May 1.

Commenting on the asphalting works, BCC’s Head of Venue Delivery Department, Thomas Butcher noted that road works will be completed in three stages: “Firstly, the road between 15th and 16th turns (Nizami street) will be paved with protective layers on April 15-19. On April 20-23, the surface will be covered with asphalt. The road from Istiglaliyyet-Sheyx Shamil street intersections to Azneft circle will be closed to traffic on April 15-23.

Last stage of road works will start on April 23. BCC’s whole asphalt pavement will be reviewed and reconstruction will be carried out, where necessary. All work is expected to be over by early May”.

Thomas Buther also highlighted that preparation works will be intensive on the eve of the event: “We pay close attention to enable vechicles and passengers to move freely around the track during daily works”.

We apologize to city residents for the temporary inconvenience caused by the traffic restrictions and thank you for your support and understanding.